Archive for cyberbullying

New Cyberbullying Bill Moves Forward At Colorado Capitol

The measure would make cyberbullying a misdemeanor harassment charge punishable by as much as $750 in fines and up to six months in jail.

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Anchorwoman inspires fightback against cyber bullying

A US TV anchorwoman has hit back at an escalating trend of cyber bullying after receiving an email from a viewer telling her she was an unsuitable community role model because she is overweight. WKBT anchor Jennifer Livingston took a moment during Yahoo!7 News

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Bullying goes high-tech

Cyberbullying is a real problem. Talk about the ultimate Bully Coward! Hiding behing the internet! The Jessica Logan Law will help.

A new bill signed into law, the Jessica Logan Act, aims to prevent so-called cyberbullying. It requires schools to update policies to include harassment and intimidation sent electronically, such as over the Internet or mobile phones.

We need to not turn our heads to Cyberbullying. Watch your children and ask a lot of questions if they seem troubled.

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Cyber bullying presentation at MRHS

By Anonymous MONMOUTH — Members of the American Association of University Women, Monmouth Area Branch, invite parents of area students to “Cyber Bullying is an Issue: What Can Parents Do?” on Monday, Feb. 20, at 7 pm in the Monmouth-Roseville HIgh

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Foiling the Plan of a Cyberbully

Cyberbullying is a real problem for our kids. Read this excellent article about how to Foil a bully’s plan by the National Science Foundation

She says it is important to find out from students what types of problems they encounter online and to use their experiences as a mechanism for creating curricula oninternet safety. “I think that it is critical that schools have very clear policies on … 

 National Science Foundation (press release)

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